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100. hepta; seven; heptagon, heptastitch, heptarchy, heptagram, heptathlon 101. hetero; other; heterosexual, heterodoxy, heterogeneous, heteromorphic 102. hex; six; hexagon, hexagonal, hexagram, hexapod, hexameter 103. homo (Greek); same; homologous, homonym, homocentric, homogeneous, homophonic 104. homo, homi (Latin); man; hominids, homosapien, homicide, hominoid, homiform 105. hydr; water; hydrocelectric, hydrant, dehydrate, hydrocarbon, hydraulics 106. hyper; beyond; hyperbole, hyperactive, hyperdrive, hyperglycemic 107. hypo; below; hypoglycemic, hypothesis, hypothermia, hypoxia 108. iatri, iatry; treatment; pediatrics, podiatry, psychiatry, geriatrics 109. idio; individual, distinctive; idiosyncrasy, idiot, idiom, idiomatic, idiographic 110. im; not; immature, immaterial, immodest, immoral, imperfect, impartial, impolite 111. im; in; imprint, impress, impart, implode, import, immerse, immigrant 112. in; not; inaccurate, incapable, inexcusable, incompetent, indefinite, ineffective 113. in; in; include, induct, indent, infect, infer, inflate, inject, ingredient, ingrained 114. inter; between; interstate, intercom, interrelate, intermediate, interfere, interpret 115. intra; inside; intramural, intravenous, intrastate, intracellular, intracranial 116. intro; in, into; introvert, introduction, introspective, introduce, introversion 117. itis; inflammation, neuritis, bronchitis, arthritis, bursitis, sinusitis, appendicitis 118. ject; throw; eject, reject, projector, dejected, injection, object, subject, interject 119. jud, jur, jus; law; judge, judicial, jury, juror, justice, justify 120. junc; join, conjunction, juncture, junction, adjunct, disjunction, subjunction 121. kilo; one-thousand; kilogram, kiloliter, kilometer, kilowatt, kiloton 122. lact; milk; lactometer, lactoprotein, lactose, lactation, lactic 123. lip, lipo; fat; lipoids, lipids, liposuction, lips 124. lith; stone; Neolithic, megalith, lithology, lithosphere, Paleolithic 125. loc; place; location, local, locally, locale, locate, locus, loci 126. log; word; log book, logotype, dialogue, monologue, prolog, epilog 127. lumin; light; luminous, luminary, illuminate, luminescence, bioluminescent 128. luna; moon; lunar, lunacy, lunatic, lunate, sublunar, superlunar 129. macro; large, long; macroscopic, macron, macroeconomics, macrocosm 130. magna; great, large; magnate, magnanimous, magnify, magnitude, magnificent 131. mal; bad; malignity, malicious, malice, maladjusted, malnutrition, malevolent 132. mand; to order; mandate, mandatory, demand, command, remanded, reprimand 133. mania; madness; pyromania, maniac, bibliomania, megalomaniac, egomania 134. mani, manu; hand; manufacture, manuscript, manual, manipulate, manicure 135. matri, mater; mother; matriarch, matrimony, matron, maternal, maternity 136. mech; machine; mechanical, mechanism, mechanic, mechanize, biomechanics 137. medi; middle; median, mediate, media, medium, mediocre, medial 138. mega; large, great, l million; megaphone, megabyte, megahertz, megalosaur 139. mem; mindful; memoir, memorial, memory, remember, commemorate, memento 140. meso; middle, between; mesodermal, Mesozoic, Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica 141. meta; change; metamorphosis, metabolism, metabolic, metamorphic 142. meter, metr; measure, kilometer, meters, metric, thermometer, altimeter, symmetry 143. micro; small; microscope, microphone, microwave, microchip, microbe, micron 144. migr; move; migration, migrant, migratory, emigrate, immigrate, migrate 145. milli; 1/1000, 1000; millimeter, millisecond, million, millipede, milligram, milliliter 146. min, mini; small; miniature, diminish, minimal, minimize, minute, minimum 147. miss; send; missionary, missive, dismiss, remission, commissioned 148. mit; send; emit, remit, transmit, omit, commit, admit, intermittent 149. mono; one, single; monologue, monotheism, monogamy, monocle, monotonous 150. morph; form; amorphous, dimorphic, morphology, metamorphosis 151. mort; death; mortal, mortician, immortality, mortuary, mortgage, mortified 152. multi; many, much; multifold, multilingual, multiphy, multinational, multitude 153. neo; new; neoclassical, neophyte, neon, neophobia, Neolithic 154. neuro; nerve; neurology, neurosis, neuron, neurobiology, neurologist 155. nom, nym; name; autonomy, astronomy, economy, antonym, synonym, nominate 156. non; no, not, without; nondescript, nonfiction, nonsense, nonfat, non sequitur, nonfatal 157. nov; new; novel, renovate, novice, novelties, nova, Nova Scotia 158. ocul; eye; binoculars, monocular, oculist, ocular, oculomotor 159. oct; eight; octagon, octogenarian, octopus, October, octave, octonocular 160. oid; resemble; crystalloid, android, celluloid, humanoid, fibroid, osteoid 161. omni; all; omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnidirectional, omnibus 162. opt (Greek); eye; optical, optometer, optometry, optic, opthalmic 163. opt (Latin); choice, best; option, optimal, optional, optimism, optimize 164. ord; organize; order, ordinance, ordain, coordinate, disorderly, inordinate 165. ortho; straight, correct; orthodox, orthodontist, unorthodox, orthotics 166. osteo; bone; osteoarthritis, osteopathy, osteology, osteoporosis 167. ovi, ovo; egg; oviduct, ovoid, ovoviviparous, oviparous, ovicide 168. paleo; ancient; paleontology, paleography, Paleolithic 169. pan; all; panacea, pandemonium, pantheism, Pan-American, panoply 170. para; beside; parallel, paramedic, paradigm, paragraph, parasite 171. path, pathy; feeling; telepathy, antipathy, apathy, sympathy, empathic, pathetic 172. patri; father; patriarch, expatriate, patriotism, patriotic, repatriated 173. ped, pod; foot; pedestrian, pedestal, centipede, pedal, podium, podiatrist, orthopedics 174. ped, pedo; children; pedophilia, pedogogue, pediatrician, pedophobia 175. pel, pulse; drive; compel, dispel, propel, expel, repel, repellent, impulse, repulse, propulsion 176. pend; hang; pendant, pendulum, pendulous, suspend, depend, impending, expendature 177. penta; five; pentagon, pentacle, pentagram, pentameter 178. peri; around; periscope, pericardium, peripheral, perimeter, perigee 179. pharma; drug; pharmaceutical, pharmacist, pharmacology, pharmacy 180. phil; love, philharmonic, philosophy, bibliophile, philanthropy, philter 181. phob, phobia; fear; claustrophobia, phobic, aquaphobia, phobophobia 182. phon; sound; telephone, phonics, phonetic, polyphonic, microphone, cacophony 183. photo; light; photograph, photosynthesis, photoelectric, telephoto, photons 184. plac; peace; placid, placate, complacent, placebo, implacable 185. poli; city; policy, political, metropolis, acropolis, police, cosmopolitan 186. poly; many; polychromatic, polygon, polyphonic, polytheistic, polynomial 187. pop; people; population, populate, popular, popularity, popularize 188. port; carry; transport, portage, portal, export, import, report, deportation 189. post; after; posterior, postmodern, posthumous, postscript, postpone, postwar 190. pre; before; prefix, preface, predetermine, prevent, previous, preexisting, precede 191. pro; forward; proclaim, progress, project, prospect, promote, proceed 192. proto; first, origin; prototype, protocol, protostar, protozoan, protons 193. pseudo; false; pseudoscience, pseudonym, pseudopod, pseudomania 194. psych; mind; psychotic, psychic, psychosis, psychology, psychiatry, psyche 195. punc; point, dot; punctuate, punctual, puncture, punctuation, punch, acupuncture 196. pyro; fore, heat; pyromania, pyrometer, pyrophobia, Pyrex, pyrotechnics 197. quadr; four; quadrilateral, quadrillion, quadruple, quadrant, quadrennial 198. re; again, back; reread, replay, reenactment, rerun, resend, recall, revoke, rescind 199. rect, reg; straighten; rectangle, rectify, correct, direct, regular, regulate, regiment 200. retro; backward; retroactive, retrofit, retrograde, retrorocket, retrovirus 201. rupt; break; rupture, disrupt, interrupt, erupt, abrupt, corruption, disruption 202. saur, saurus; lizard; dinosaur, sauropod, saurian, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus 203. scop; see; scope, telescope, microscopic, horoscope, laparoscopy 204. scrib, script; write; scribble, scribe, script, scripture, inscription, prescribe, describe 205. sect; cut; section, dissect, insect, intersect, sector, bisect, resect 206. semi; half, semicircle, semidetached, semiannual, semiofficial, semitransparent 207. sens, sent; feel; sentimental, resent, sense, sensation, sensitive, consented 208. sign; mark; significant, signify, assign, resign, signal, insignia, design 209. somna; sleep; somnambulate, somnambulism, insomnia, hypersomnia 210. soph; wise; sophomore, sophisticated, philosophy, philosopher 211. spec; look; spectacle, special, respect, specify, introspective, spectator, inspect 212. stat; stand; station, statue, stature, static, status, state, statistics 213. strict; tighten, constrict, restrict, restrictions, strict, strictures 214. struct; build; construct, structure, destruction, instruct, structural 215. sub; under; subway, submarine, subordinate, subscription, substitution 216. super; above, beyond; superficial, supercharge, superintendent, supervise, supersede 217. surg, surr; to rise; surge, surrender, resurrect, resurrection, insurrection, upsurge 218. syn, sym; together, with, same; synthesis, symphony, synchronize, sympathetic 219. tact; touch; tactile, tactics, tactful, contact, intact, syntactical 220. tain; hold; obtain, retainer, maintain, sustain, detainment, contain, abstain, pertain 221. tele; distant; telephone, telescope, telekinesis, teleportation, telecommunications 222. temp; time; tempo, temporary, temporal, contemporary, extemporize 223. term; boundary, limit; terminate, terminal, interminable, exterminate, determine 224. terra; earth; terrarium, terraced, terrain, subterranean, terra firma, territory 225. tetra; four; tetrapod, tetrachloride, tetrameter, tetralogy, tetrahedral, tetragon 226. theo, thei; God; theology, monotheism, pantheon, theological, atheism 227. therm; heat; thermal, thermometer, thermos, thermostat, hypothermia, geothermal 228. tom, tomy; cut; dichotomy, lobotomy, atom, anatomy, rhinotomy 229. tort; twist; contort, retort, torture, distort, extortion, tortuous, torturous 230. tox; poison; toxic, intoxicated, toxicology, toxin, detoxify, antitoxin 231. tract; pulling; tractor, traction, attractive, retract, extract, contract, tractable 232. trans; across; transfer, transcend, transport, transit, transform 233. tri; three; triceratops, tricycle, trichromatic, tripod, triple, triangle 234. ultra; beyond, extreme, ultrasound, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, ultramicroscopic 235. uni; one; unicorn, unicycle, uniform, universe, unicellular, union, unique, unite 236. urb; city; urban, suburb, urbanize, urbanity, suburban, urbane, urbanite 237. urgy; technology; thaumaturgy, chemurgy, dramaturgy, metallurgy, liturgy 238. vac; empty, vacant, vacuity, vacuum, vacancy, vacate, vacation, evacuate, medevac 239. var; change; various, variant, varicolored, variety, vary, variable, invariably 240. vaso, vas; vessel; vasoconstriction, vascular, cardiovascular, vasomotor 241. ver; truth; verify, veracity, aver, verification, verisimilitude, verily, veritas 242. vers, vert; to turn; vertebrae, diverse, convert, vertical, reversion, inverted, version 243. vid; see; video, videotape, videophone, provide, evidence, providence 244. vin; wine; vintage, vineyard, vine, vinegar, vinaigrette, vintner, vinous 245. vita; life, vital, vitamin, vitality, longevity, revitalized, devitalize 246. viv; live; vivid, vivacious, vivify, survive, revive, convivial, revivified 247. voc, vok; speaking, vocal, vocabulary, vocalize, revoke, provoke, evoke, advocate 248. vol; wish, will; volunteer, benevolent, volition, malevolent, involuntary 249. vor; eat; voracious, herbivore, carnivore, devour, omnivorous, voracity 250. zoo; animal; zoology, zoophobia, zoologist, zoo, protozoan, zoological