來欣賞一下小女兒珣珣的創作吧 這陣子媽媽翻出女兒們上學期在學校的習作 寫的好有趣啊 非常有想像力 所以就投去報社 沒有稿費的報社自然全都收啦
先放上小女兒這篇 以後再慢慢放大女兒的故事
這篇很短 所以我忍不住就畫蛇添足 翻成中文放在後面 欣賞一下吧
One snowy day a little girl named Kailey stepped outside.
“This is going to be the perfect day to have some fun!” Kailey said. First she built small snow girl. Then suddenly the small snow girl started talking!
“Do you want to play with me?”
“I’ll play with you when I’m done buying a present for my mom before Christmas.” Kailey said. “Then why’d you make me?” asked the small snow girl as it did a little sniffle. Then Kailey felt sorry for her baby snow girl. “I’m sorry I didn’t want to make you sad!” “That’s ok.” “Well I know what to play! You can help me make a present for my mom!” said Kailey. “Ok!” said the little snow girl. “But first can you name me?”
“Ok I’ll name you Kate!” “You can give her a small gerbil!” Kate said, so they bought her a gerbil.